Kentucky's farmers are committed to caring for the land’s resources to ensure food production for future generations.
Resources in Sustainability
For chicken farmers, the well-being of the flock goes together with running an environmentally responsible and sustainable farm. The latest tech allows farmers to check for leaks in their waterlines, conserve energy usage, and flag potentially harmful ammonia levels. These efforts reduce waste, runoff and emissions.
Sustainability on the farm is an ongoing commitment by pig farmers today. Farmer’s are committed, through ongoing environmental sustainability efforts, to safeguard natural resources for future generations. Over the last decade, we have played a leading role in advancing animal agriculture’s environmental and conservation efforts.
It is often an untold story, but farm families have led conservation efforts across the United State for generations. Today's farmers are strong examples of true environmentalists.
Sustainability is not a destination. It is a continuous journey being carried out by each generation of farmers responsible for raising and supplying beef across the world.
Thanks to a combination of selective breeding and rearing practices, most of today's chickens raised for meat (commonly known as "broiler" chickens) are a much healthier and faster-growing stock than the chickens of a few years ago.
We’ve all heard the word sustainability, but what does it really mean? For farmers and ranchers, it’s a promise to future generations. A promise that they will care for the land, air, water and livestock in a way that ensures their children can take over the family business if they so choose.